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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to join the program?

All prospective cadets must be U.S. citizens, who meet our minimum age requirements (ages 10 through 17). Cadets must be committed to being a drug-free, unmarried, full-time student with at least a "C"-grade point average. Cadets must also have parental consent to join the program. We are looking for cadets who are interested in contributing as much as possible to the program by attending drills and upholding our standards of conduct.

A medical examination similar to a high school sports physical is required for all cadet applicants to the NSCC or NLCC.  No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability.  Where a medical condition precludes full, unlimited participation, a Request for Accommodation (NSCADM 015) may be presented by the parent or guardian for review so the cadet may participate in NSCC activities to the maximum extent possible.

What is the cost to join the program?

Initial enrollment cost is $250 per person for the first year. Annual renewals following the first year is $125. 

Do the cadets need uniforms?

Cadets are authorized by the Secretary of the Navy to wear Navy enlisted uniforms appropriately marked with the NSCC/NLCC insignia.  Uniforms are provided by the unit and there is not additional cost to the parent/guardian. Patches will be given to cadets as they begin the program and as rank changes. The cadet will be responsible for sewing the patches on the uniform in the appropriate location.

What is the time commitment of the program?

Time commitment varies from unit-to-unit, but a typical unit will meet for one weekend a month, called a drill weekend. Additional training opportunities of varying lengths are often made available throughout the year.

What is bootcamp?

New cadets are required to do 1 bootcamp within the first year of enrollment. Leaguers are strongly encouraged to participate in bootcamp but are not required. Bootcamp is an additional expense and can be completed throughout the United States. Upon enrollment, our team will provide you a list of dates and locations for various bootcamps. At bootcamp, cadets will go through various training topics such as proper marching, uniform care, military readiness, and the 11 general orders. 

Will cadets be required to join the Armed Forces?

No. We are not a recruiting vehicle for the armed services. Cadets have absolutely no commitment regarding future military service. 

Our Mission is To Create Leaders with Character. Although our nautical roots come from the navy and we may train with the military, recruiting cadets into military service is not our goal.  We nurture each of them to become future leaders in their community and the nation in their own way.

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